
  1. Course page is on line (3/17)
  2. Midterm 1 Coverage: Chapters 10,11, 12 and 13. Bring your calculator.
  3. Class will start at 13:30 on April 21st.
  4. Midterm Exam 2: May 15 at 16:00-17:15. A3. Coverage: Ch.13,14, 15,16 (up to the point we covered in the last lecture, excluding Leontief Model) Bring a calculator.
  5. Midterm Exam 1 Result (May 11)
  6. Midterm Exam 2 Result (May 21)
  7. Final Exam Coverage: All Chapters.
  8. Final Exam Result (May 25)
  9. Exam paper can be viewed at my office after 15:00 today (June 2).

Practice Questions

Chapter 10 Questions/Answers
Chapter 11 Questions/Answers
Chapter 12 Questions/Answers
Chapter 13 Questions/Answers

Chapter 14 Questions/Answers page1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.